Outside a Sack-n-Save
More after the jump
Friday, February 29, 2008
Best Fred Flintstone Impression Ever
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wake up your water
Yes, even your water, with just one tube, can be turned directly into piss.
I sure as hell know that if my bottled water turned to piss I'd wake up in a hurry.
More after the jump
Monday, February 25, 2008
Flip my switch baby!
Saw it in a catalog about a year ago, just came across the photo again...
More after the jump
Saturday, February 23, 2008
This car would have made a bad ass ride. Found it on some land by my brother's house some time ago. It has since been removed and probably crushed, idiots.
It is a 1952 Kaiser-Frazer Henry J Vagabond, sexy.
More after the jump
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How to ruin a Lamborghini
Found this outside a mexican restaurant long ago. Someone took the name Diablo a little too literal. This is what happens when idiots get money. I shall call it the "El Diablo Diablo"/
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Who wants to see mah rocketship?
It's okay that you're jealous...
More after the jump
Wylie Texas has little to offer
Short of these two beauties sitting outside a body shop. Oh and that Kaiser Frazier Henry J Vagabond I posted about earlier.
One Dodge Challenger R/T 440 Six Pack and One Plymouth Sport Fury 440 Commando V8 - pure sex.
No idea what it is...
Spotted it outside Barnes and Noble a week ago. Appears to be a kit car. Roofline makes it look very Chrysler-esque or perhaps a Mercury Cougar. Maybe a Caddy.
Anyone know what it is?
UPDATE: Apparently it is an Excalibur. Thanks Alan.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
There is no way I am the only one that sees this.
The DFW Metroplex highway system
Now if you take away all the names spread throughout, I know that I am not the only person that realizes that the DFW Highway system had to have been designed by someone that really, really, needed to compensate.
You are welcome. For those of you that live in this town, you are probably going to end up like me in the manner of every time you see the traffic report you are going to see a giant cock.
More after the jump
Yeah, I know you fuckers are jealous
Portal shirt and Orange Box Soundtrack
Yes, you are allowed to be jealous of me now.
More after the jump
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Scientologists are even worse than Christians...
...hard to believe I know, but it's true.
More after the jump
R34 Skyline
Spotted near my work just a few days ago.
Is a 100% real, right hand drive, R34 Nissan Skyline. Now it was just a GT so that means no all wheel drive, but still not bad. The driver refused to pull into a parking lot (hell he refused to roll down his window) so I could get better pictures. He was driving like a prick and couldn't stay in his own lane anyway.
More after the jump
Death Proof Hearse
Seen on my way to a friend's house...
It had a few blemishes in the airbrushing, but still not bad. The owner also has a Geo (of unknown model) that is being completely done in a Freddy Krueger theme.
Invading Your Personal Space
- You Know Me As God
- Texas, United States
Blog Archive
- Best Fred Flintstone Impression Ever
- Wake up your water
- Flip my switch baby!
- Junker
- How to ruin a Lamborghini
- Who wants to see mah rocketship?
- Wylie Texas has little to offer
- No idea what it is...
- There is no way I am the only one that sees this.
- Yeah, I know you fuckers are jealous
- Scientologists are even worse than Christians...
- Autocunnilingus
- R34 Skyline
- Death Proof Hearse
- Art
- Imagine - Numbers Eleven through Nineteen
- The Trip
- Top Fifty Atheist T-Shirt and Bumper Sticker Aphor...